Social media is something you have to pay attention to these days to maximize your company’s marketing and branding efforts. Here are some tips pertaining to one of those tools, LinkedIn.
Customer segmentation is essentially stereotyping sub-groups of existing and potential customers. Do it right, and you'll boost your company's bottom line.
Did I spot many archery industry posers during the 2019 ATA Show? Here’s my final 2 cents on a topic that generated more feedback than anything I’ve ever written before.
Wondering how to attract young customers? They want a relationship with a brand they believe in, and social media can assist you.
Learn how to appeal to a millennial customer base and lock them down with personal attention rather than low prices.
Your company could be losing out on potential sales if you’re not prioritizing follow-up after making initial contact.
Founded in 1982, Outdoorsmans specializes in topnotch tripods, bipods, backpacks and optics.
These easy-to-adopt technologies can give hunting retailers access to the same resources larger businesses enjoy.
We asked veteran retailers: Do you anticipate strong treestand, ground blind and associated accessory sales this summer?
Taking the time to pitch the right product is far more beneficial than simply making the sale.
Do you offer great service in your pro shop? If so, you might need to reevaluate your current pricing structures.