Many of your customers have purchased a handgun for personal/home defense, and they want to learn the basics. Is your store and staff ready to show them the way?
Retail has changed with the outbreak of COVID-19. How do you keep customers in the loop and buying? Don't forget social media.
To boost your business and the archery industry, it’s time to recruit from new groups of people.
Give your store a major facelift and boost your success with these dozen details.
A working relationship with your local media outlets can be a valuable resource. Learn how to build relationships and a media network.
When it comes to hiring staff, there are important do’s and don’ts to consider. Here are 10 expert tips to follow to get the most out of the hiring process.
Retailers need financing for numerous things. Although more funds are available for business lending, often unanswered is all-important question of what is actually the cost of borrowing?
Follow these 10 tips to generate more store traffic — and increase sales.
McMillan Firearms has a strong reputation for manufacturing high-precision stocks but also has been involved in other ventures, including firearms manufacturing and payment systems. CEO Kelly McMillan offers his insights on the company and its future.
Because many archers will wait several years before buying a new compound, it makes sense to offer a “bowstring specials week.”
Are you leveraging the power of YouTube to help your store?
Do you and your staff realize the incredible power and result that comes with saying, "No" to a customer? It's not what you think.
What was socially acceptable for reaching youth archers last year, may not be this year.
The story of Veil Camo begins with, “One day in a treestand …”
Do you tell your employees thank you, good job, and how much you appreciate them? If they're just robots to you, that's the kind of response they'll give you.
Your customers and potential customers spend more time on the internet than ever. That makes it critical that you use online marketing effectively to drive traffic — both digital and foot — to your store.
Anyone can whine and complain about problems in the store. Be the associate who brings the boss solutions, not problems.
Can adding a coffee bar boost your outdoor business' bottom line?
After more than 100 years in business, Mossberg remains a staple on gun counters everywhere.
Everyone is trying to save money on what they purchase, from groceries and ammunition to car washes and services. One time-tested marketing tactic — direct mail — still gets the job done and can work for you.