The growing interest in relics and curios — not your average used guns — can bring new buyers and bigger margins.
Lever action rifles are hotter than ever. And we’re not just saying that with no facts and figures to back up the assertion.
Old West-style revolvers are selling and they deserve a place in your store.
The rifles of old Western movies are staking a claim on the modern firearm landscape.
Lever-action rifles (and shotguns) might have won the West, but they’ve also won the hearts and souls of many devout modern-day hunters.
The Big Boy Revolver is the first offering in the burgeoning Henry handgun line.
Tactical refinements have ushered in a new era for the reliable lever action.
Hard-core hog hunters want dedicated pig rifles, and these 10 options rank at the top of the list.
Utilitarian, multi-purpose and exceedingly capable rifle.
Advances in shotshell technology have made the diminutive .410 a viable defensive option again.