Taurus Lauches G-Series Compact Pistol

The new G3c 9mm compact pistol from Taurus is a marriage between the innovation and performance established by the full-sized G3 9mm polymer-frame, striker-fired pistol introduced last year and the go-to dependability and value of the popular G2 series compact Taurus 9mm handgun.

Taurus Lauches G-Series Compact Pistol

The new G3c 9mm compact pistol from Taurus is a marriage between the innovation and performance established by the full-sized G3 9mm polymer-frame, striker-fired pistol introduced this past year and the go-to dependability and value of the popular G2 series compact Taurus 9mm handgun.

Featuring a skillfully contoured palm swell, highly textured grip panels, memory pads for precise and repeatable finger/hand placement and a sculpted, extended magazine base plate, the G3c has a glove-like fit, which promotes accuracy, ease of operation and firearm retention. The G3c features the same 3rd generation trigger system as the G3, redesigned with a flat trigger face to concentrate finger pressure on the front of the shoe for a straighter pull. This feature allows for shorter trigger reset as well, for quicker follow-up shots while minimizing trigger jerk.

The G3c slide is treated with a Tenifer finish to minimize scuffing and maximize corrosion resistance, ultimately reducing friction for smoother operation. Front and rear sights on the G3c also have been upgraded to all-steel construction to withstand the rigors of daily carry. The rear sight is drift-adjustable and includes serrations to reduce glare and promote faster sight acquisition. The G3c is upgrade-compatible — the dovetail cut to dimensions that accept common aftermarket sights.

The G3c comes from the factory with three 10- or 12-round magazines. Fifteen- and 17-round factory magazines are also available. MSRP: $305.74.

Accessorizing the Taurus G3c

What could be better than owning a new Taurus G3c? Owning one that’s decked out and ready to rock, of course. And that means dressing it up with a custom-fit holster and aftermarket sights.

Here are some solid choices for accurizing and packing the Taurus G3c. Visit the websites for product information and pricing.

·      CrossBreed Holsters — www.crossbreedholsters.com

·      N8 Tactical OT2 IWB Holster — www.n8tactical.com

·      Rival Arms Tritium Sights — www.rival-arms.com

·      Truglo TFX, TFX Pro and Tritium Pro Sights — www.truglo.com


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