Team PSE’s Stephan Hansen Wins NFAA Indoor Nationals

Stephan Hansen stood on top of the podium in the Men’s Pro Freestyle division at the NFAA Indoor Nationals in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Denmark’s Stephan Hansen took the first place prize of $10,000 in Men’s Pro Freestyle at the National Field Archery Association (NFAA) Indoor Nationals at the Duke Energy Convention Center, overcoming a tough field and a long, intense shoot-off. The competition was so grueling that 21 of the competitors in Men’s Pro Freestyle shot perfect scores (600 with 120Xs) heading into the shoot-off on the final evening.

A handful of the archers taking part in the Men's Pro Freestyle shoot-off.

(Scoring note: At Indoor Nationals, archers shoot 120 arrows over 2 days of competition, 60 per day. Top score for a single arrow is 5 points, so a perfect score is 600 points. The smaller X-ring also counts as 5 points and is used for tie breakers. See video below for further explanation.)

In the end, Hansen shot a perfect 25, keeping all five arrows into the X-ring and taking the crown. This is Hansen’s second Indoor Nationals title. “The first time it was easier because I didn’t have many expectations,” he said. “This year I kinda knew I could do it, but I still had to do it. It’s tough, but it’s awesome.”

Team PSE's Stephan Hansen celebrates his perfect shooting by standing on top of the podium.

According to PSE Founder Pete Shepley, clutch performances like this are what make Hansen one of the best archers in the world.

“We recognized early on just how special a shooter Stephan is,” said Shepley. “Year after year he continues to prove us right, and we’re proud to have him on Team PSE.”

For more information about the National Field Archery Association, visit



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