“The Currency of Conservation: Archery’s Impact” video; NASP certifies its 100,000th basic archery instructor; Johnny Morris and Bass Pro Shops donate to hurricane relief; and Pope and Young partners with Howl for Wildlife.
Sign up now for the 33rd Biennial Convention in Reno, Nevada, and get $100 to spend at the event.
Caleb Sorrells joins Bear Archery as new marketing manager; Pope and Young giveaway hunt with Chuck Adams; and Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation hits milestone.
FeraDyne Outdoors acquires Outdoor Product Innovations; Lancaster Archery Foundation makes fundraising goal; and Pope and Young Record Book entry deadline approaching.
Registration now open for P&Y Convention; ATA shared federal excise tax milestone; and Team USA’s Pearce and Cousins win compound mixed team gold.
Ole Miss football team to wear Realtree helmets; Bowhunting World’s Ultimate Gear Giveaway winner gives Mathews compound to grandson; TrueTimber sponsoring Veteran Golfers Association; and booth space available now for P&Y 33rd Biennial Convention.
On Sept. 19, 2022, P&Y giving away a California blacktail hunt to a youth member; S3DA partners with Easton Foundations for target rental program; and Easton celebrates the 50th anniversary of Olympic archery’s return.
Vapor Trail and Stokerized Stabilizers opens new manufacturing facility; Bear Archery offers Pope and Young memberships; and 4th Annual Tree Stand Safety Awareness 3-D Archery Benefit Shoot.
Mechanicals now legal in all 50 states; new P&Y world record velvet central Canada barren ground caribou; Pope and Young introduces Kevin Hisey Youth Program; and Lancaster Archery Foundation assists Camp Victory for special needs children.
Pure Archery Group sold to JDH Capital; PRADCO Outdoor Brands hires director of mergers and acquisitions; and Pope and Young record book entries deadline Is Dec. 31, 2022.