Nose Jammer Silent Series is scent blocking technology in dead-quiet packaging.
Boots, apparel and scent-control products aren’t just for huge retailers. You, too, can tap into the benefits of selling these items.
Almost every big game bowhunter tries to reduce his or her human odor in the field, and step No. 1 is bathing with scent-free bar soap.
The new formula in Scent Killer Gold Power Boost Plus+ Detergent delivers more odor-fighting power for scent-free clothing.
Stop your stink and help fool a whitetail’s nose with Code Blue Earth Scent Spray.
Scent Thief manufacturers innovative products that use patented “No Smell” technology to shut down an animal’s ability to smell, providing an advantage for hunters.
Don’t just cover game-spooking human scent, eliminate it with science proven all-natural, all-organic ingredients found in the Scent Thief Combo Pack.
ElimiShield says its X10D concentrate will keep undergarments, gloves, socks and caps odor-free for up to 50 washings.
Whitetail hunters are obsessive about scent – managing it, eliminating it, recreating it. Here’s what to sell them.
Scent Thief says its Trophy Pack and Wafer will increase your odds for success in the whitetail woods by reducing a deer’s chance of smelling you.