Five bowhunting icons will make up the first class in the Pope & Young Hall of Fame.
Almost every big game bowhunter tries to reduce his or her human odor in the field, and step No. 1 is bathing with scent-free bar soap.
From the makers of Rhino Blinds, Outdoor Product Innovations has recently announced Rhino Tree Stands for hunters who pursue big game from hang-on portables, ladder stands, tripods and towers.
Team USA recurve shooter Casey Kaufhold, who is 17 years old, won the silver medal in the recent World Archery Championships in Yankton, South Dakota.
The 2022 ATA Trade Show will take place January 7-9 in Louisville, Kentucky, and the first day is a special Buyer Day.
EOTech sights stand up to a series of dawn-to-dusk field tests in the Texas Panhandle.
Surge Outdoors, a new supplier of hunting and outdoor-related products, recently announced its purchase of Barnett Crossbows.
In Tokyo, Japan, Team USA recurve shooter Kevin Mather recently won gold in his Paralympic debut.
It’s been 20 years since the terrorist attacks of 9-11-2001; these two videos offer insight into United Flight 93 and the heroes who fought evil on that tragic day.
Team Bowtech’s Tim Gillingham recently won the ASA Classic in Fort Benning, Georgia, and also secured the 2021 ASA Shooter of the Year title in the Senior Pro division.