Jack and Sharon Wallace recently captured first place at the fourth Archery Shooters Association (ASA) Pro/AM tournament in Appling, Georgia.
If attendance at two national NASP tournaments is an indicator, then the interest in youth archery is continuing to grow at a rapid pace.
In a continued show of dominance, Mission Crossbows shooters completed two more podium sweeps at the ASA Pro/Am and IBO Triple Crown.
Team Mathews shooters won the Men and Women’s Pro Divisions at the ASA Pro/Am in Paris, Texas.
The first World Cup of 2019 was held recently in Medellin, Colombia, and Easton archers swept the gold medals.
Mission Crossbows shooters continue dominating the tournament trail in 2019.
Delta McKenzie recently announced a $10,000 sponsorship and discount program in support of Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA).
Team USA recurve shooter Casey Kaufhold, 15, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania had two recent first-place finishes in Arizona.