Primal Treestands Mac Daddy Xtra Wide Deluxe Ladder Stand

The Primal Treestands 22-foot Mac Daddy Xtra Wide Deluxe ladder stand provides a safe, durable, rock-solid perch for hunting from high places.

Primal Treestands Mac Daddy Xtra Wide Deluxe Ladder Stand

Primal Treestand’s Mac Daddy Xtra Wide ladder stand’s comfortable flip-up 24- by 16.5-inch mesh seat and large 29.1- by 24-inch foot platform provide the comfort that means hunters can stay still and alert longer. The Mac Daddy’s innovative Grip Jaw (top photo, right) provides sure-grip installation, and its Truss Stabilizer ensures stability and eliminates squeaks and creaks. Plus, the Truss Stabilizer strap allows the ladder stand to be used where others cannot. All of this means a safe, quiet ladder stand that can be placed on almost any tree. The Mac Daddy also has a padded, flip-up adjustable shooting rail and padded armrests covered in durable nylon fabric. MSRP: $219.99. Contact:


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