Muddy Trifecta 180 Cellular Trail Camera

The recently released Muddy Trifecta 180 cellular trail camera captures panoramic 180-degree photos and videos.

Muddy Trifecta 180 Cellular Trail Camera

Combining 180-degree motion detection with three independent PIR sensors, the Muddy Trifecta 180 cellular trail camera captures and delivers panoramic-style photos and videos by breaking an area into three distinct zones — providing users with the equivalent of three cameras in a single device. When triggered, the camera responds immediately, rotating and situating the lens in the zone where movement was detected.

The resulting 36MP photos, or 1080P videos with audio, are then accessible on any mobile device via the Command Pro app (above). Its single-zone capture mode takes a single photo or video of the triggered zone only, as most traditional trail cameras do. MSRP: $119.99. Contact:


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