The Grind Cooker Pot & Peg Turkey Call

Custom-crafted, the Slate Pot & Peg turkey call from The Grind will fire up even the most stubborn gobblers.

The Grind Cooker Pot & Peg Turkey Call

The Grind pays homage to turkey hunters of old who lured in birds using a corn cob striker and slate with its Cooker Pot & Peg call — crafted with an inner glass sounding board that reflects incredibly lifelike tones and calls. This allows for easily changing up the volume from soft tree yelps to loud cutting to get toms fired up from any distance. Laminated walnut and maple make the Cooker Pot & Peg call durable in the field, while a slate top and hickory peg help add realism to the versatile sounds it produces. The Grind offers a variety of realistic turkey calls and lifelike decoys to help hunters lure in even the most stubborn longbeards. MSRP: $54.99. Contact:


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