Mossberg International is importing three Silver Reserve Eventide Turkey over-and-under shotguns in 12-gauge (3.5-inch), 20-gauge and 28-gauge with 3-inch chambers; all with compact 20-inch barrels and full camo-coverage with Mossy Oak Greenleaf. Silver Reserve Turkey O/U shotguns are equipped with durable, camo synthetic stocks and forends and have a 14-inch length of pull. The 20-inch vent rib barrel is topped with a front fiber-optic sight and other standard features include shell extractors, two extended choke tubes, Mossberg logo engraved on the receiver and tang-mounted safety and barrel selector. Bores and chambers are chrome-lined for corrosion resistance. The Mossy Oak Greenleaf camo pattern offers silhouette concealment with its blend of dirt, bark, moss and oak sapling elements. MSRP: $927. Contact:
Mossberg International Silver Reserve Turkey O/U Shotgun
Mossberg offers over/under shotgun enthusiasts a camo turkey option.
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