Federal’s recently launched 7mm Backcountry Ammunition, a long-action hunting cartridge featuring Peak alloy case technology. This high-strength steel alloy is stronger than brass used in conventional cases and provides the cornerstone for the new cartridge. This allows Backcountry loads to safely handle higher chamber pressures, boosting velocities to magnum levels through a shorter barrel while maintaining comparable, if not reduced, perceived recoil. Through 20-inch barrels and loaded with 170-grain and 155-grain Federal Terminal Ascent bullets, it can achieve muzzle velocities of 3,000 fps and 3,150 fps respectively. Backcountry is also available in 195-grain Berger Elite Hunter, 168-grain Premium Barnes LRX Copper and 175-grain Fusion Tipped options. MSRP: $72.99-$77.99/Box of 20. Contact: www.federalpremium.com
Federal Ammunition 7mm Backcountry Terminal Ascent
Designed for high performance from short-barrel suppressed rifles, Federal’s recently launched 7mm Backcountry Ammunition focuses on heavy-for-caliber bullets.
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