VUNI Gear Camo Offered on Select 2021 Elite Archery Bows

Elite Archery recently announced that VUNI Gear camouflage is available for a limited time on the 2021 Elite EnKore and Remedy bows.

VUNI Gear Camo Offered on Select 2021 Elite Archery Bows

VUNI Gear camouflage is based on the fact humans don’t see colors and terrain the same way that animals see it. Here’s the difference.

The visible color spectrum of light in the outdoor environment is two-thirds negative colors — browns, tans and blacks. The other third of the spectrum are the colors that humans see — reds, greens and blues. VUNI's exclusive camo pattern stays in the negative color spectrum. Hunters stay hidden from game animals because the reds, blues and greens appear as grays and whites in varying shades. Staying in the negative space, VUNI Gear camo creates a better opportunity for hunters to remain hidden in plain sight.

“VUNI is very excited to partner with Elite Archery and feature our revolutionary camo on their models for a limited time," said Clint Fackrell, president of VUNI Gear. "We look forward to growing together and bringing the latest in science and engineering so that collectively we can give every bowhunter the extra edge they need to help them be successful on every hunt.”

“Continuous innovation is crucial to the archery industry and to Elite's continued success," said Paul Guillot, Elite Archery VP of sales. "We are excited to partner with VUNI and be the exclusive bow to feature the pattern on the 2021 Elite EnKore and Remedy. Ultimately, both of our companies have the same goal, and that’s to help create success for the archer.”

Bowhunters can see the VUNI Gear camouflage pattern on these bow models at many local authorized Elite Archery retailers beginning in late spring 2021.


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