Location, soil type, soil quality, light availability and many other factors play a role on deciding what crop or crop mix customers should pick for their food plot. Offering a variety of different seed mixtures is a sure way to provide something for everyone, no matter their circumstances.
Whitetail Institute Imperial No-Plow
Some of the best places to plant food plots are located in areas where larger equipment can’t reach. Fortunately, some companies have produced seed blends that grow well without breaking ground. Good seed-to-soil contact is still necessary, but turning it isn’t required. Enter Whitetail Institute’s Imperial No-Plow. It includes clovers, brassicas and more. This blend establishes quickly, works with little direct sunlight, and is very drought resistant.
Backwoods Attraction Lazy Acre
Another blend labeled as a no-till option, it grows pretty well with minimal groundwork. Again, adequate seed-to-soil contact is needed, but it doesn’t need to be worked traditionally like most plots. In this product, you’ll get a mix of blackhawk arrow leaf clover, buck radish, crimson clover, trophy rape and ryegrass.
Frigid Forage Big-N-Beasty
This is the company’s No. 1 selling blend, and it’s no secret why. It provides a hardy mix of kale and forage radishes, rapes, and turnips. It’s a cost-effective way to feed deer and position them for shot opportunities, too. Overall, it’s a great blend with lots of attractiveness and nutrition.
Killer Food Plots Carnage Brassicas
This blend consists of kale, rape, radishes and turnips. Its small seed size makes for increased seed-to-soil contact, and it works well even in sandy, rocky and clay soils. Still, it prefers well-drained ground and does best with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight.
Antler King Trophy Clover Mix
Another great clover mix option, Antler King’s product offers numerous varieties, including four perennial clover species, chicory and rapeseed. This provides a 30% protein diet that deer need during the spring, summer and fall, which helps keep the herd in great shape. Plus, it’s dynamite to hunt over, too.