Building a Reputation for Fine Firearms

Dickinson Arms expands its offerings while focusing on high-level craftsmanship.

Building a Reputation for Fine Firearms

Dickinson Arms has a long history rooted in dedication to craftsmanship and innovation. Since its inception, the company has grown from a small manufacturer to a prominent player in the firearms industry. Today, Dickinson is recognized for its quality shotguns and commitment to meeting the needs of various market segments, making it a respected name among enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Aykut (Ike) Bekmez is an expert in the firearms industry and the business development manager for Dickinson. Shooting Sports Retailer caught up with him recently to talk about the company and its growing presence in the marketplace.

SSR: You have facilities in both Turkey and Texas. What does that do for your ability to serve the U.S. firearms market?

Bekmez: Absolutely. Our factories in Turkey and distribution in Texas allow us to cater to a wide range of customer needs. The Turkish facility benefits from a long tradition of firearms manufacturing, providing high-quality craftsmanship at competitive prices. Meanwhile, our Texas distribution facility helps us respond more swiftly to the specific demands of the U.S. market, ensuring faster delivery times and greater customization options. This dual-facility approach enhances our ability to serve different market segments effectively.

SSR: What have traditionally been some of your top-performing product lines?

Bekmez: Our shotguns have consistently been top performers, particularly our side-by-side and over/under models. These products are renowned for their reliability, precision, and superior craftsmanship. The Plantation and Estate series have garnered positive reviews and a loyal customer base, reflecting our commitment to quality and performance.

SSR: What are your biggest challenges in today’s shooting sports industry, and where do you see opportunity?

Bekmez: Supply chain disruptions have posed difficulties in maintaining consistent production schedules. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation. By investing in new technologies and enhancing our supply chain resilience, we can better meet customer demands and stay ahead of industry trends.

SSR: Tell us a little about what you’re doing in 2024 and what products have you most excited for the future. 

 Bekmez: In 2024, we are focusing on expanding our product line to include more versatile and high-performance firearms. We are particularly excited about our new range of 1911 pistols, which blend classic design with modern enhancements. These pistols are designed to appeal to both traditionalists and new shooters. Additionally, we are working on several advanced shotgun models that incorporate the latest in materials and ergonomics to improve user experience.

SSR: You’ve built your reputation largely around a broad line of shotguns. Does that create challenges or more opportunities for new launches like the 1911s?

Bekmez: While it does present some challenges in terms of market perception, our strong reputation in shotguns also opens up significant opportunities. Our established brand credibility allows us to introduce new products, like the 1911 pistols, with a built-in level of trust and interest from our customer base. We believe that our commitment to quality and innovation will translate well across different product categories.

SSR: How do you expect the industry to change in the coming years, and how are you adapting in response?

Bekmez: The firearms industry is likely to see increased emphasis on technology and customization. As customers seek more personalized and high-tech solutions, we are investing in research and development to stay ahead of these trends. Additionally, we anticipate a growing focus on sustainability and ethical manufacturing practices. We are adapting by implementing greener production methods and ensuring our supply chains are as sustainable as possible.

SSR: What does the future look like for Dickinson? Are you looking to further expand your offerings?

Bekmez: The future for Dickinson is bright, with plans to expand our offerings further. We aim to diversify our product portfolio to include more firearm types and accessories, catering to a broader audience. We also plan to enhance our global footprint by exploring new markets and strengthening our presence in existing ones. Continuous innovation and customer satisfaction remain at the core of our growth strategy.

SSR: Beyond business, how does Dickinson support the shooting sports?

Bekmez: Dickinson is deeply committed to supporting the shooting sports community. We sponsor various events and competitions, provide educational resources, and work closely with shooting clubs to promote safe and responsible gun ownership. Our goal is to foster a strong and supportive community around shooting sports, encouraging participation and excellence at all levels.

SSR: What sort of product and marketing support does Dickinson provide for its retailers? Are there any incentives or programs for new partners?

Bekmez: We offer comprehensive support for our retailers, including marketing materials, training programs, and dedicated account management. Our incentive programs for new partners include promotional discounts, co-op advertising opportunities, and performance-based rebates. We strive to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with our retail partners, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to succeed.

SSR: Is there anything else you’d like to address?

Bekmez: I would like to emphasize Dickinson's ongoing commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain dedicated to upholding the values that have made us a trusted name in the firearms industry. We look forward to bringing more exciting products to market and supporting the shooting sports community in every way we can.


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